Tuesday 26 August 2014

The casual ocean and creation 

Karana ocean also know as the casual ocean, which forms the boarder between transcendental and material realms.

Karanodakasayi Maha-Vishnu lies down in the casual ocean which consists of undifferentiated material energy. Here he begins to create the material world, first the supreme lord begins to separate the qualities of the material elements (ether,air,fire,water and earth) by his glance.

NB. Lord Vishnu is not accompanied by lord Ananta in this form.

The supreme lord, in his exhalation, breaths out the universe. There are millions of universes covered in material elements, and the supreme lord expands himself to enter each one.


 lord Vishnu in the casual ocean
 lord Vishnu separates the material elements
lord Vishnu exhaling creating universes and expands to enter each one.
inside each universe it is dark, the lord lies down on Ananta Sesa on the waters of devastation. from his navel grows a beautiful lotus, whose light dries up the waters around it.
 from the lotus Brahma is born, very unfamiliar with who he is , where he has come from and what is his purpose.

determined to find his answers he climbs down the stem of the lotus and is stopped by the wheel of time which represents death.he returns to his seat on the lotus flower.

for one hundred years he meditates until he find the lord in his heart.
the supreme lord appears below him, in a big vast beautiful form.
After the Lord disappears from Brahma’s sight, Brahma sees that the lotus has spread throughout the universe. Now understanding his purpose, Brahma begins the work of creation as the delegated and empowered representative of the Supreme Lord. Meditating on the Lord in his heart, he forms the planetary systems from the petals of the lotus.
Next he begins to reproduce population from the different parts of his body, including his mind, feelings, and shadow, by mystic powers. He does not create the souls, who are eternal spiritual sparks from the spiritual form of the Lord, any more than he created the material elements. He merely gives them bodies formed from those material elements according to their various levels of consciousness at the time.

the supreme lord then enters his creation to maintain it. he expands him self millions and billions of time to live in each atom and soul.

With ever breath of the Supreme lord  a universe is created and the above process takes place again . 

pictures by Madhava priya devi dasi

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