Sunday 24 August 2014

Hare Kirshna

Vedic cosmology, what is it ?

cosmology is defined as the study of the origin, purpose, structure and functioning of the universe. Vedic cosmology give a wide spread amount of information which allows us not only to see the physical universe we see today but also gives us a vast image of the manifestation of this universe, the purpose and the laws that govern it.

It is the relation and dependence that everything has upon the supreme personality of godhead, Sri Krishna, the cause of all causes.

As Sri Krishna states in Bhagavad-gita,

"A person is fully consciousness of Me, knowing Me to be the ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme lord of all planets and demigods, and benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attains peace from the pangs of material miseries."

Human society today can take shelter of the greatest benefit from appreciating and understanding this instructions and mold their lives around it.

Vedic cosmology is the attempt to help us understand the world, our place in it and the relationship between ourselves, this world and the supreme source, from whom all other energies emanate.

1 comment:

  1. Haribol Kiran
    I am both honored and very inspired to be acquainted with a true Vaishnav like yourself. I'm thrilled for this new site and I see a fruitful future for Vedic Realm. May Srila Prabhupad and their lordships bless you with all the knowledge of Vedic Cosmology so that you an convey all of it in simple detail to us all. Hari Haribol
